Nina Ruge
Nina Ruge left her secure position as a civil servant and a high school teacher for Biology and German in Wolfsburg to learn filmmaking from scratch in Berlin. She then started a remarkable television career in 1987 with RIAS TV in Berlin, including roles on shows like "heute journal", "heute Nacht", and "Leute heute" on ZDF. Alongside this, she hosted numerous talk shows and TV magazines.
In early 2022, she began her monthly column "Live long & healthy" in MyLife, a pharmacy magazine in Germany with 2.5 million readers.
In early 2023, her podcast with Kurt Aeschbacher went online on Blick.ch in Switzerland: "Zwäg hoch Zwei – the short podcast for a long life," addressing topics related to healthy aging from a popular science perspective.
In 2021, she published her work: "„Verjüngung ist möglich. Wissenschaftlich erforscht – was wirklich hilft." 2022 saw the release of "Das Verjüngungskochbuch. 60 Rezepte für gesunde Langlebigkeit – auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung." In 2023, she published "Der Verjüngungsplan: Mit 70 Rezepten aus den 25 besten Anti-Aging-Superfoods" (all titles by Graefe+Unzer). All four books quickly made it to the SPIEGEL bestseller list.
Today, she predominantly works as an author, specializing in 'Cell Biology of Aging, gives lectures on "Healthy Longevity," conducts scientific dialogues (PURE Encapsulations), and extensively reports on developments and practices in the field of cell biology of aging on social media.